Friday, 31 August 2012

Wattle Day!

We're about to head off for a weekend visiting a friend in Lake Cargellico, mid-west New South Wales; I'm sure there'll be things to share when we get back. Meantime, happy Wattle Day tomorrow!
Acacia acuminata, Christmas Rock, south-west Western Australia
Acacia aneura, Mulga, south-west Queensland
Acacia cyperophylla, Minnie-ritchie, Mt Magnet, Western Australia
Acacia longifolia, Ulladulla, south coast New South Wales
Acacia mearnsii, Black Wattle, Canberra
Acacia pulchella, South Beekeepers Nature Reserve, north of Perth
Acacia tetragonophylla, Dead Finish, near Quilpie, south-west Queensland
unidentified Acacia pod, Nallan Station, near Cue, Western Australia


  1. What a great series of wattle photos! They really are spectacular against the blue sky aren't they? I can't hope myself, every time I see a tree in full bloom, out comes the camera again!!

  2. Yes, I know, it's pretty cliched, isn't it?! But - why not? How not?! Thanks for your kind comments Madoqua.
