Saturday 27 October 2012


The Common Brushtail Possum Trichosurus vulpeculus is a familiar urban mammal in south-eastern Australia; in fact, given that it's had only 200 years to adapt to urban living, it's done so so successfully that I'd suggest it could be regarded as the most urban-adapted larger mammal in the world. 
Common Brushtail Possum, suburban Canberra.

However in the wetter mountain forests a closely related species, the Mountain Brushtail or Bobuck T. caninus, is much less familiar to most people. Just 10 years ago this species was split, the southern population retaining the Mountain Brushtail Possum common name, but given the new species name T. cunninghami. The northern animals became Short-eared Brushtail Possum.

This photo was taken a couple of Christmases ago in the Chichester State Forest, in mid-northern New South Wales west of Newcastle. It was as determined a camp scavenger as any Common Brushie I've met.

Short-eared Brushtail Possum, Chichester State Forest.
Back Monday!

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