Thursday 12 February 2015

Housekeeping; updating some earlier postings

This may be of little interest to anybody, but I find constantly that people are visiting older postings, so I thought I'd skim through them and update as required. Mostly this means replacing pictures with better ones, or adding to postings as more pics become available.
Here I've replaced the photo of Bellendana montana. Link to image (without caption) here.
Here a better picture of Green (or Golden) Tree Snake. Link to image (without caption) here.
Here a much better photo of Crimson Finch. Link to image (without caption) here.
Here a better picture of White-gaped Honeyeater. Link to image (without caption) here.
Here a better Black Currawong photo. Link to image (without caption) here.
Here, in a posting on Darwin's Finches, I've replaced three photos with better ones, and added two species of which I didn't previously have photos.
Here I've also made some significant additions, and replaced one pic (of a Yellow-breasted Antpitta) with a much better one. The additions are mostly of extra antpittas, which might be of interest.
Here I've added Green Rosella to the posting on rosellas.
Here I've replaced the photo of a Jacky Lizard with a much better one. Link to image (without caption) here.
Here I've added a photo of Forest Kingfishers to the posting on kingfishers. Link to image (without caption) here.


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