This may be of little interest to anybody, but I find constantly that
people are visiting older postings, so I skim through them
a couple of times a year and update as required. Mostly this means replacing pictures with better
ones, or adding to postings as more pics become available.
in a posting on tree kingfishers, I've added photos of Collared and Stork-billed Kingfishers, and a better one of Blue-winged Kookaburra. Links to images (without
captions) here and here and here.
Here, in a posting on fishing kingfishers, I've added a photo of Blue-eared Kingfisher. Link to image (without caption) here.
Here, in a posting on camouflage, I've added a photo of a superbly camouflaged Common Gliding Dragon. Link to image (without
caption) here.
Here, in a posting on Australian robins, I've added a photo of a Buff-sided Robin. Link to image (without
caption) here.
Here, in a posting on soaring birds, I've added photo of a Little Eagle, and replaced photos of Australian Pelicans and Black-necked Stork with better ones. Links to images (without
captions) here and here and here.
Here, in a posting on fruit doves (etc), I've added a photo of a Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove. Link to image (without
caption) here.
Here, in a posting on the (then) honeyeater genus Lichenostomus, I have had to do some rewriting following major taxonomic changes. I have explained and commented, and inserted the new genus names as appropriate for anyone interested. Moreover I have added a photo of Yellow-tinted Honeyeater, and replaced the one of Singing Honeyeater. Links to images (without
captions) here and here.
Thanks for that. I hadn't realised the forces of evil had messed around with Lichenostomus!