About Me

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Canberra-based naturalist, conservationist, educator since 1980. I’m passionate about the natural world (especially the southern hemisphere), and trying to understand it and to share such understandings. To that aim I’ve written several books (most recently 'Birds in Their Habitats' and 'Australian Bird Names; origins and meanings'), and run tours all over Australia, and for 17 years to South and Central America. I've done a lot of ABC radio work, chaired a government environmental advisory committee and taught many adult education classes – and of course presented this blog, since 2012. I am a recipient of the Australian Natural History Medallion, the Australian Plants Award and most recently a Medal of the Order of Australia for ‘services to conservation and the environment’. I live happily in suburban Duffy with my partner Louise surrounded by a dense native garden and lots of birds.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

On This Day, 5 September: Tasmanian Wilderness extension

* 1989, the Tasmanian government announced that the already magnificent South-west Wilderness World Heritage area was to be extended to cover 1.38 million hectares of central and south-western Tasmania; this represents nearly 20% of the state. (Tasmania is an island off the south-east coast of Australia; an integral part of the continent, it has been isolated most recently since the last glaciation 13,000 years ago.)

When the 'core' of the area was gazetted in 1982, it was listed as meeting all four natural heritage criteria and three cultural criteria; at least until recently that was unrivalled in the world. Some of these values include the most significant and extensive glacial landscapes in Australia, cool temperate Nothofagus-dominated rainforests with close affinities to other Gondwanan lands, notably South America, and Australia's most extensive and pristine alpine area, with 60% of the alpine flora being endemic to Tasmania. It has forests of Eucalyptus regnans, the world's tallest flowering plant, and ancient conifers, including the famous Huon Pine, Lagarostrobus franklinii, some of which are over 2000 years old, and has populations of the three largest living carnivorous marsupials - the Tasmanian Devil, Spotted-tailed Quoll and Eastern Quoll. Only the second of these is still found on mainland Australia. Evidence of human activity, including through the last bitter glaciation, goes back more than 30,000 years.

Unfortunately - and I must rectify this! - I've not been back there since my photography went digital, so I'll limit my photos here, which are of scanned slides and not good quality.
King Billy Pines, Athrotaxis selaginoides, at Dove Lake
Prionotes cerinthoides
Tasmanian Native Hen

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