This may be of little interest to anybody, but I find constantly that
people are visiting older postings, so I skim through them
a couple of times a year and update as required. Mostly this means replacing pictures with better
ones, or adding to postings as more pics become available.
in a posting on tree kingfishers, I've added photos of Collared and Stork-billed Kingfishers, and a better one of Blue-winged Kookaburra. Links to images (without
captions) here and here and here.
Here, in a posting on fishing kingfishers, I've added a photo of Blue-eared Kingfisher. Link to image (without caption) here.
Here, in a posting on camouflage, I've added a photo of a superbly camouflaged Common Gliding Dragon. Link to image (without
caption) here.
Here, in a posting on Australian robins, I've added a photo of a Buff-sided Robin. Link to image (without
caption) here.
Here, in a posting on soaring birds, I've added photo of a Little Eagle, and replaced photos of Australian Pelicans and Black-necked Stork with better ones. Links to images (without
captions) here and here and here.
Here, in a posting on fruit doves (etc), I've added a photo of a Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove. Link to image (without
caption) here.
Here, in a posting on the (then) honeyeater genus Lichenostomus, I have had to do some rewriting following major taxonomic changes. I have explained and commented, and inserted the new genus names as appropriate for anyone interested. Moreover I have added a photo of Yellow-tinted Honeyeater, and replaced the one of Singing Honeyeater. Links to images (without
captions) here and here.
About Me

- Ian Fraser
- Canberra-based naturalist, conservationist, educator since 1980. I’m passionate about the natural world (especially the southern hemisphere), and trying to understand it and to share such understandings. To that aim I’ve written several books (most recently 'Birds in Their Habitats' and 'Australian Bird Names; origins and meanings'), and run tours all over Australia, and for 17 years to South and Central America. I've done a lot of ABC radio work, chaired a government environmental advisory committee and taught many adult education classes – and of course presented this blog, since 2012. I am a recipient of the Australian Natural History Medallion, the Australian Plants Award and most recently a Medal of the Order of Australia for ‘services to conservation and the environment’. I live happily in suburban Duffy with my partner Louise surrounded by a dense native garden and lots of birds.
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Found Nowhere Else! Some Australian state endemics.
I've had it in the back of my mind for a while to feature some plants and animals which are endemic (ie found nowhere else), not just to Australia - that would be a bit too easy - but to just one Australian state or territory. Now seems like as good a time as any, so let's travel round the country and meet a few of these relatively restricted organisms.
Some jurisdictions were easy - the south-west of Western Australia and the island state of Tasmania have been isolated from the rest of Australia for some time, so endemism is widespread there. Others were a bit trickier, but I've got examples from every jurisdiction, including the tiny Australian Capital Territory where I live. The real embarrassment is only being able to provide one example from Victoria, the nearest state (other than New South Wales, which surrounds us here) to our home. In the last decade I've spent less time there than anywhere else in Australia - I really must remedy that!
If you're not familiar with the layout of Australia, here it is with the states and territories marked on it.
OK, this isn't intended to be very deep, so let's start, beginning in the heartland of Australian endemism, the south-west of Western Australia.
There are 16 endemic WA bird species, mostly in the south-west. Some are members of east-west species pairs, obviously derived from a single population when the south-west was isolated by aridity.
Red-eared Firetail Stagnopleura oculata, Albany. There are two firetail species across the country in the south-east, with the Beautiful Firetail S. bella probably the most similar. |
Other WA endemics have no close relatives and have presumably been separated for a long time.
Motorbike Frog Litoria moorei, Margaret River. Named for the truly amazing call, complete with gear changes! |
As for endemic plants - well, the south-west alone has nearly 6,000 endemic species, so selection is pretty arbitrary! Here are three, selected more or less at random.
Purple Enamel Orchid Elythranthera brunonis, Two Peoples Bay. A spectacularly shiny orchid. |
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Red and Green Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthus manglesii, Perth. This extraordinary plant is the state floral emblem. Bird-pollinated, the anthers brush the bird's forehead as it probes the base for nectar. |
We'll continue around the country clockwise, so next stop...
Many species extend their range across much of northern Australia, so endemics aren't quite so easy to find here, but there certainly are some. Some are associated with the great sandstone escarpments of Kakadu National Park, east of Darwin on the map above.
Chestnut-quilled Rock Pigeon Petrophassa rufipennis, Burrunggui (formerly known erroneously as Nourlangie Rock). Pretty much endemic to Kakadu National Park! |
There are other NT endemics however, not tied to the sandstone.
Hooded Parrot Psephotus dissimilis, Pine Creek. This woodland parrot is restricted to woodlands of the Top End. |
Among endemic NT plants is Australia's only native bamboo species.
Bambusa arnhemica, Kakadu National Park. |
And the Territory's endemics are not limited to the tropics either. The desert ranges to the south also harbour some plants found nowhere else.
Continuing east, we get to the biologically rich state of....
Here the focus of endemism is on the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area, centred on Cairns in the tropical north. The rainforests in particular here support many endemic species.
Wet Tropics endemics can also be readily found among mammals, reptiles and plants.
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Lumholtz's Tree Kangaroo Dendrolagus lumholtzi, Atherton Tableland - it is in fact endemic to this high rich volcanic soil tableland. (Awful photo, sorry! It's the only one I've got.) |
Bull Kauri Agathis microstachya, Atherton Tableland, to which it, like the tree kangaroos, is pretty well limited. This conifer is a member of the old Gondwanan family Araucariaceae. |
Queensland is a big state however, and the Wet Tropics don't have a total monopoly on endemics.
South now, to...
This state (NSW from now on) doesn't have isolated extremities like WA and Queensland do, so endemics aren't so prevalent, especially among animals. There is just one NSW bird endemic, the Rock Warbler (or Origma) Origma solitaria.
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Rock Warbler, Morton National Park. This bird, the only one of its genus, is a resident of the Sydney Sandstone, based on the Blue Mountains. |
There are certainly endemic plants in NSW, including its magnificent state emblem.
Before we leave NSW, we must pause in the Australian Capital Territory, which you can see as a tiny jurisdiction around Canberra, labelled ACT, in the far south-east of NSW on the map above. It's biologically part of the NSW southern highlands, but we do have a couple of plants not found across the nearby border. Here's one.
South now to ...
This is a small state with no endemic bird species, though it has some other endemic animals. I've not spent much meaningful time there since I had a digital camera (!) so with apologies to my Victorian friends, I present this miserly proffering.
With more confidence I now cross the Bass Strait, to where endemics are rife, including 12 birds.
Spotted Skink Niveoscincus ocellatus, Binalong Bay. This is a rock-preferring endemic skink of northern and eastern Tasmania. |
There are plenty of endemic Tasmanian plants to choose from, and I'm opted for just a couple.
Pencil Pines Arthrotaxis cupressoides, family Cupressaceae, Dove Lake, Cradle Mountain NP. There are several endemic Tasmanian conifers, associated with rainforests and heathlands. |
Which finally leads us back to the mainland, and west again, to my former home state of...
Here too there is just one endemic bird species, which I finally saw recently (and which may have been, even if subconsciously, the trigger for this posting); virtually all South Australia's land borders are in deserts which continue across the continent, and their inhabitants follow the arid lands far afield.
Endemic plants are found in South Australia too, often on the peninsulas that project into the Southern Ocean; the dry lands to the north of these peninsulas isolate organisms in their moister southern sectors.
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Limestone Mintbush Prostanthera calycina, High Cliffs, is endemic to Eyre Peninsula where it is mostly found growing on limestone. It is listed nationally as Vulnerable to extinction.. |
So that completes our odyssey - many kilometres, not so many species out of all the ones I could have chosen. If you've seen all these you've seen quite a bit of the country; if not yet, then hopefully it can provide another small reason for planning your next trip!
Next time, as promised, I'll complete the series on the Great Sandy Desert by introducing some of the many flowering shrubs that were on show recently.
(And remember that you can get a reminder when the next post appears by putting your
email address in the Follow by Email box in the top right of this screen.)
(And remember that you can get a reminder when the next post appears by putting your
email address in the Follow by Email box in the top right of this screen.)
Thursday, 20 October 2016
The Great Sandy Desert: #3, trees and herbs
This was to be the last in this series based on my recent experiences in the remote and relatively little-known Great Sandy Desert of Western Australia (which began here) but I've realised that I've got quite a large number of plant photos - I was there in a rare good season, when a lot of plants were flowering after substantial rains. I could of course just make a limited selection, which is what I'd probably do normally, but because few of my readers will probably have an opportunity to go there, and most of the plants will thus be unfamiliar, I've decided to introduce them pretty comprehensively, in two postings. In deference to those with less interest in the topic I'll take a break from the series next week, and talk about something entirely different, before coming back to finish by talking about some desert shrubs in a fortnight.
(And before going on, if you read the last posting, on animals of the desert, you might be interested in looking at the unexpected solution to the mysterious mud pellets surrounding the burrows in the salt of Lake Mackay!)
(And before going on, if you read the last posting, on animals of the desert, you might be interested in looking at the unexpected solution to the mysterious mud pellets surrounding the burrows in the salt of Lake Mackay!)
In the first posting, while introducing the landscape, I featured some key trees that help define in it various places - Mulga, Desert Oak, Desert Paperbark, Ghost Gums and Desert Bloodwoods. I won't revisit them today, but there were other trees, mostly low-growing, which appeared from time to time. There were quite a few acacias, as there are pretty much anywhere in Australia, but most were shrubs which will have their moment next time, but in addition to the Mulga, a couple of acacia trees occurred fairly frequently, though generally growing alone.
Black Gidgee Acacia pruinocarpa is a striking desert tree, whose distribution is centred on the Great Sandy Desert. |
The distinctive large leathery foliage of Black Gidgee. |
A small clump of Wirewood growing on a spinifex plain. |
Wirewood foliage and flowers; central desert people eat the seeds whole, and as flour. |
Whitewood is an excellent shade tree in country where shade is in short supply; I remember some good camps in its shelter. |
Desert Poplar Codonocarpus cotonifolius Family Gyrostemonaceae is more familiar in southern arid lands, though there are also outliers to the west of the Great Sandy. |
Eucalyptus (or Corymbia) deserticola - ie 'desert dwelling' - is found scattered across the more northern deserts of Western Australia and the Northern Territory. |
The distinctive fruit and leaves of E. deserticola. Like some other eucalypts, it retains its juvenile leaves, which are opposite and clasp around the stem. |
I've introduced the Proteaceous genus Hakea before in an earlier blog; a couple of species thrive in the arid sandiness of the central deserts.
Fork-leaved Corkwood Hakea divaricata, above and below. Another central desert specialist. |
Corkwood Hakea lorea, above and below. The corkiness of the bark (not really the wood) is evident above. |
Goodenia centralis, as the name suggests, of the central (and western) deserts. |
This Goodenia, above and below, I can't find in any of my books. Advice welcomed! |
Again my thanks to Bevan (comments below) for solving this mystery. It's one I'd never heard of, a Peplidium sp., family Phrymaceae (likewise!). |
But it's probably best for my self-esteem to end with a couple that I am reasonably confident about!
A samphire, Tecticornia verrucosa. It is apparently a source of edible seeds prized by desert Aboriginal people. |
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email address in the Follow by Email box in the top right of this screen.)
(And remember that you can get a reminder when the next post appears by putting your
email address in the Follow by Email box in the top right of this screen.)
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