Hello and welcome to my first posting of 2023! I know a couple of readers who'll roll their eyes at another non-Australian post, but the truth is that it's more than six months since the last one, and that was from Africa. With one thing and another it's been a long time since we felt able to go overseas and I'm feeling nostalgic so, dear reader, you can either bear with me or come back next time, when I'll welcome you just as warmly!
However 'warmly' is not a word I'd apply to the fabulously wild and rugged Andean highlands of far south-eastern Peru, where Peru and Bolivia meet in the middle of famed Lake Titicaca. 'Lake Titicaca'.... one of those near-fabled places that I'd always wanted to see.
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The red arrow indicates Lake Titicaca; even at this scale the size of it is evident. |
Arequipa is Peru's second-largest city, but with a million people is a village alongside Lima's 11 million plus. At 2300 metres above sea level it is equivalent to the highest point of Australia, but of foothill status compared with the elevations we were going to - and indeed to the volcanoes which provide its setting. Its city centre, a blend of colonial and indigenous architectural styles, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Volcano Chachani from Arequipa; more than 20km away, it is over 6000 metres high. |
There are virtually no trees and the plants that do occur here must be really tough, like the harsh grasses that the Alpacas rely on, and these cacti.
But even here there is animal life too, and among the things I'd most wanted to see were wild Vicuñas, the apparent wild ancestors of the Alpacas, not easy to see in the wild, though numbers have rebounded reassuringly from the 1970s when indiscriminate hunting brought numbers down to about 6000 in all of South America. They are slender, weighing less than half as much as the lower elevation Guanaco (ancestor of the Llama). Their fine wool is highly prized; when the Incas ruled, only royalty was permitted to wear garments made from it.
Wild Vicuñas Lama vicugna in Salinas and Aguada Blanca, above and below. |
Once a year the herds are captured and shorn by the communities, then released; in times past they would simply have killed them and taken the wool. |
Variable Hawk Geranoaetus polyosoma on the roof of a roadside service centre in the midst of the puna. This species is widespread along the Andes. |
Andean Lapwing Vanellus resplendens, a high altitude plover found along the Andean chain as far south as northern Argentina. |
Andean Geese Chloephaga melanoptera,which are found only in the southern Andes above 3000 metres. For more on the South American 'geese' see here. |
From here we continued north-west to Chivay and the amazing Colca Canyon, but I've already featured that before; you can read about it here, where you'll find lots more photos and information about the puna habitat and many more of its birds and plants.
However I am going to mention again the extraordinary Abra Patapampa (abra is a pass), reputedly the highest pass in all of South America that is accessed by a sealed road. At 4900 metres above sea level it is way above the tree line, and the scenery is like nothing I've seen, vast and unimaginably bleak and rugged. I'm fortunate enough not to be unduly troubled by altitude, but this is the highest I've ever been with my feet on the ground. The short walk to the lookout platform (Mirador de los Andes, or Mirador de los Volcanoes - mirador is a lookout) was enough to wear me out! I wouldn't have missed it though, gazing over an apocalyptic landscape to distant volcanoes. Needless to say, the women selling home-made souvenirs were untroubled by the thin air, and of course they had walked to get here.
Looking back to the south across the rock and sand landscape to Volcano Chucure. |
Out to the west, we were gazing at (from the left) Volcanoes Ampato (6300m), Sabancayo (6000m) and Hualca Hualca (6000m). |
Nor is all the vapour in the air just cloud; here is a plume of volcanic smoke arising above the cloud from the active vent of Sabancayo. |
From here the road descends in all directions; ours is to the east.
Mountain Caracara Phalcoboenus megalopterus by the roadside approaching Lake Titicaca. Caracaras are atypical scavenging falcons; this one is found along the Andes south from the top of Peru. |
You may be getting impatient to actually get to Lake Titicaca by now, but there was just one more exciting roadside sighting before we arrived at Puno.
Lake Titicaca is the largest lake in South America by volume, and disputedly by area (I must say that Lake Maraicabo in Venezuela does seem to have a stronger claim there). It is 177km long with an average width of 56km. The main western basin has an average depth of 135 metres, fed by five major river systems and many smaller one. It contains 41 islands. In Bolivia the Rio Desaguardero flows out of it and feeds other lakes. With large waterbird populations, many endemic fish species, the famous flightless Titicaca Grebe and the huge Titicaca Water Frog (up to 50cm long and weighing a kilogram) it has been a Ramsar site of international wetland significance since 1998.
I find that, like the ocean, a large lake is hard to meaningfully photograph! These attempts were from a hill on Taquile Island. |
The floating island that we visited, above and below, during our lake excursion, which is pretty much mandatory! They are anchored to the lake bed with eucalyptus poles. |
Reed boat, made of bundles of the giant sedge Schoenoplectus californicus. |
However, this is a natural history blog, so I'll end with a few of the animals - mostly birds - that we encountered on and by the lake, starting with the one I was most looking forward to seeing.
The attractive Cinnamon Teal Spatula cyanoptera has an even wider range, through large parts of the Americas. They dabble rather than dive for their dinner. |
American Kestrel Falco sparverius over Taquile Island. This little falcon has a huge range over the entire Americas, except for the rainforests and the frozen far north. |
Many-coloured Rush-tyrant Tachuris rubrigastra has a similar distribution and habitat to the rushbird. This is one of the numerous South American tyrant flycatchers. |
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