One of the most superb - and most-visited - national parks in Australia rises from the western plains of Victoria. Gariwerd was renamed the Grampians after the Scottish range by the now infamous surveyor/explorer Thomas Mitchell in 1836, but now both names are used together. In the 1990s a Victorian premier, in an act of astonishing political perversity, abolished the original Indigenous names that had been jointly reinstated but sense and decency has since apparently been restored in this matter.
The central section of Gariwerd from the east, some 25km away. The range (or series of ranges) is 90km long from north to south, and half that at its widest point, covering an impressive 167,000 hectares, though astonishingly it wasn't declared national park until 1984. It is surrounded by farmland, formerly woodland. |
Gariwerd lies approximately at the end of the red arrow in the south-east corner of the map.
A low-res map of the park, courtesy of Parks Victoria. You'll probably need to click on it to see it at all clearly. Halls Gap (HG) is in the middle of the eastern edge of the range - look for the white on blue i (for Information). The main areas covered by the photos are Mount Zero and Gulgum Manja Shelter in the far north; Heatherlie Quarry about halfway between HG and Mount Zero; Boroka Lookout, just north-west of HG; Balconies, west of HG; Victoria Valley, south-west of HG.
There are roads through the park but it is not fragmented by them and much of the park is only accessible by foot. Accordingly, most visitors see only a tiny area of the park, though this is still pretty satisfactory. My guess is that most visitors never leave the small area around Hall's Gap, a busy village in the centre of the eastern edge of the range; from here there are walks along the delightful Stoney Creek and a short circular drive to other creek and waterfall walks.
Stoney Creek, a delightful short walk from the tourist hub of Hall's Gap.
These sheltered walks along ferny stream lines, often leading to a waterfall, are probably the most popular in the park (though not least because most of them are close to Hall's Gap).
Another scene on Stoney Creek; this is near the pool known as Venus' Bath. These awfully twee names make me wince, but they are rife in areas favoured by 19th and early 20th century tourists. And our forebears were dedicated and determined tourists!
People were coming to the Grampians (as they were then universally known in English) from Melbourne from the middle of the 19th century, taking advantage of the trains to Stawell in particular. In 1868,
Thomas' Guide for Excursionists from Melbourne was published to promote the Grampians. The return rail fare from Melbourne was £5. "To him who likes to escape a while from the conventionalities and to be brought for a while face-face with nature in her solemn grand and eternal beauty, we say: Try the Grampians" Unfortunately he then went on to recommend the pleasures of shooting the wallabies (probably the Brush-tailed Rock-Wallaby, now Critically Endangered in Victoria)...
In addition the ranges supported a logging industry, a hugely destructive wattle bark industry (for tannins for leather-tanning), gold mining, stone quarrying and stock grazing. Not only was this environmentally detrimental, but had (as everywhere) catastrophic imlications for the Djab Wurrung and Jardwardjali people, whose descendants help manage the park today. However their stories are not mine to tell, and I don't have the right or ability to do so.
Gulgum Manja art site, in the far north of the park. This is a well-publicised site, protected by a mesh and interpreted. There are several such sites in the areas (as well, I imagine, as many others not advertised); more information on them can be found at Brambuk Cultural Centre in Hall's Gap.
Instead here are a few more scenes from walks along the stream lines, or to waterfalls. They also feature some of the magnificent rock formations which are such a feature of the park. Most of the geology features sediments - sandstones etc - which were laid down during the Devonian, between 415 and 425 million years ago, by rivers carrying material from higher ground into shallow estuaries. (There are also some younger granites, but not in the areas most people visit.)
Golton Gorge, off the road north to Mount Zero. Another easy pleasant walk to where the water slides over the rocks via a small fall into a pool.
Turret Falls, in the Wonderland area (see previous comments on twee 19th century names), in the Hall's Gap area. This photo, and the couple of Stoney Creek earlier, were taken in September 2019 after prolonged drought, just before the current series of inundating La NiƱas began.
The next two were taken in early October 2022 after a wet week, but before the devastating rains of the past week (I am writing on 27 October 2022) which have submerged so much of New South Wales and northern Victoria. The results at the waterfalls were spectacular (and I can't imagine what they look like now).
Mackenzie Falls, even from way above it was truly awesome (and I don't use that word lightly).
Silverband Falls - and as you can see from the spots on the lens it was still raining. The big eucalypt on the left had been washed off the hillside opposite, and the roar of the water was overwhelming.
Away from the wet gullies in the sheltered central eastern ranges near Hall's Gap, dry eucalypt forest with a heathy understorey is more the norm.
The track into Heatherlie Quarry where the flowering in spring is spectacular.
There are some truly grand views to be had at a couple of justifiably well-known lookouts (both of which can be pretty good for flowers too). Boroka Lookout is right above Hall's Gap (600 metres above it in fact) though it's reached by a 15km drive west along Mount Victory Road, then north a little to the well-marked lookout. The views west and south are superb.
South from Goroka Lookout. The sandstone layers in the foreground and the tilted planes of the Wonderland Range behind must delight a geologist's eyes; they certainly do mine. Far beyond is the Serra Range. To the left is Lake Bellfield, created by a dam on Fyans Creek in 1966 to provide water (and recreation) for Hall's Gap, which is to the left of the photo.
The other famed vistas are from Reed's Lookout and along the adjacent one kilometre track to the Balconies (formerly widely known as the Jaws of Death, which was apparently deemed to require some tweaking for PR purposes, perhaps understandably). The carpark is by the Mount Victory Road, not far past the Boroka Lookout turnoff.
Looking south into the Glenelg River headwaters valley (generally referred to as Victoria Valley), with Moora Moora Reservoir in the distance. It was planned in the 1880s but only completed in 1934, to divert water to Horsham - which I have to say seems a long way in the wrong direction, way back over our left shoulder as we're looking at it!
Moora Moora Reservoir (while we're talking about it), which is a lovely tranquil place now, though in the 1890s there were up to 80 people in a small village here logging ancient River Red Gums for railway sleepers. It's worth recalling too that prior to the dam being built it was a doubtless rich and fascinating wetland. Across the water the effects of bushfires can be seen in the trees; since 2006 there have been three major fires in Gariwerd which have together burnt some 85% of the park. The effects can be seen everywhere.
Back to Reeds Lookout, from where the track to the Balconies passes through interesting areas of sheet sandstone with little mossy gardens, and with views to the north.
Moss bed on the rocks along the Balconies walking track, with Fairies' Aprons Utrichularia dichotoma and sundews Drosera spp.
Looking north across the sandstone sheets to Lake Wartook in a valley of the Mount Difficult Range. The park seems to have more than its share of reservoirs, though to be fair they were all built before its late gazettal (but see below). It was another wetland, which attracted pastoralists and the Cobb and Co. coaches for watering stock. The first dam wall was built here in 1887, but was raised significantly in 1997 - ie well after the park's gazettal. The water is released to the Mackenzie River, and then channelled to the Wimmera River to provide Horsham's water supply.
About 30 years ago you were able - indeed encouraged! - to clamber onto the lower 'balcony', high above the valley floor. Given that fact that the sandstone is gradually eroding away, this seems crazy now and there is fencing and signs in an attempt to deter people - but some people are hard to protect... I've even seen a photo from the 1940s of a party of 23 people posing on it, who collectively must have weighed close to two tonnes; that could have ended very badly indeed.
The north end of the park burned very severely in January 2014 and as far as I know that was the last time, though I'm having trouble getting information on the third fire mentioned above. This photo was taken in early September 2019, and the fact that it had been very dry for some time explains the apparently slow recovery. The flowering was still impressive however.
This is the same general area (not the same scene) three years later, in October 2022. Recovery is progressing well and the flowering this year was wonderful after three wet years.
I keep teasing you with mention of flowering without really producing any. That's because there is far too much to squeeze into this post, and I'll be focussing on the flowers next time. However as an appetiser here are three of the 20 species found nowhere but Gariwerd, plus another which has only one other outlying population.
Grampians Thryptomene T. calycina. This lovely shrub is widespread in the park (but nowhere else) flowering right through winter and spring.
Flame Grevillea G. dimorpha is widespread, but not abundant, but can't be missed when in flower, which also happens from late autumn to spring. I have read that it also occurs in the Pyrenees (!) near Ararat to the east, but the Flora of Victoria confirms that it's restricted to Gariwerd.
Grampians Parrot-Pea Dillwynia oreodoxa is a Gariwerd endemic of rocky areas.
Rock Banksia B. saxicola, here on Mount William on a misty day, is otherwise found only at Wilsons Promontery on the coast on the other side of Melbourne. It is not common, found only in some mountainside sites.
If you're into wildflowers, come back in a fortnight - they're too good to have to wait three weeks for - when I'll present a range of lovely Gariwerd flora. If this post hasn't persuaded you to go there (or go back there) sometime soon, I'm hoping that the flowers can clinch it! Meantime, stay dry if you can, and enjoy the final weeks of spring in the Southern Hemisphere.
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