It's been quite a few posts - a record number in fact - since IF Talking Naturally has ventured overseas. While I have no qualms about featuring my home country disproportionately, it's time to raise my horizons a little, and return to one of my favourite countries (of which I have quite a few).
Dawn on Antisana Volcano from the deck of Wildsumaco Lodge. |
Ecuador, as has often been remarked both here and elsewhere, is an extraordinary destination for a naturalist; probably nowhere in the world is such biological wealth crammed into such a small area. It's fair to say that the focus of most visitors is on the cloud forests of the north-west slopes of the Andes (especially the wonderful Mindo Valley), on the Amazon basin, and of course on the near-mythical Galápagos. However the eastern slopes of the Andes offer equal riches, and being isolated from the western cloud forests by the treeless snowy high peaks and ridges of the range, have many species unique to the area. Ecuador has a good record of protecting its natural treasures, but it is not a rich country and clearing continues. As elsewhere in South America, private conservation trusts and philanthropic companies have been set up to help fill the gap between existing public reserves and the need for more. One such is the small group of people from Sweden and the US who have bought an area of mid-level forest (1500 metres above sea level) on the slopes of Sumaco Volcano for preservation. They have built a research station and to help pay for it, and to widen understanding of the area's values and needs, have recently built a lovely lodge on a ridge that had previously been cleared.
I don't often feature private establishments here, but when I've done so it's because I believe they deserve it for what they're doing for the world, and because I believe that you would benefit from knowing about them.
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The arrow indicates the approximate position of Wildsumaco Lodge on the eastern slopes of the Andes. |
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More detailed map of the lodge's location; this one is taken from Wildsumaco's web page; in the circumstance I'm assuming they won't mind too much! |
It's fair to say that you could spend your entire time at Wildsumaco on the magnificent deck looking out across the cloud forest to the Andes, and in particular to mighty Volcán Antisana some 60 kilometres away to the north-west, back towards Quito. At 5,700 metres above sea level, it is the fourth highest peak in Ecuador.
As the sun rises higher, it's time to pay attention to what's going on closer to hand, and there is a lot of deck to patrol to keep an eye on things.
As can be seen from these photos there is a lot of animal-attracting vegetation close to hand, as well as some of the most productive hummingbird feeders in Ecuador. Here is some of the wildlife I was privileged to see from this most wonderful balcony.
Many-spotted Hummingbird Taphrospilus hypostictus. This one is an eastern slopes specialist, found in a disjunct narrow band south from northern Ecuador. |
Rufous-vented Whitetip Urosticte ruficrissa, likewise restricted to the eastern slopes, from Colombia to Peru. |
Sparkling Violetear Colibri coruscans,a much more widespread Andean species, but always very welcome! |
I try to avoid using pics of hummers on feeders where possible, but sometimes they're the only ones I can get and the birds are far too lovely to exclude on that basis!
Golden-tailed Sapphire Chrysuronia oenone is very much a case in point; a very widespread hummer, but what a bird! |
Black-throated Brilliant Heliodoxa schreibersii, here at about its uppermost limits. Unlike most of the hummingbirds seen at Wildsumaco, this one is found down in the Amazonian lowlands. |
While the hummingbirds will always be star turns they are far from the only breathtaking visitors to be seen from the Wildsumaco deck. A troop of Rio Napo, or Graell's, Tamarins Saguinus graellsi comes in to accept bananas offered via a pulley system in a tree at eye level to the deck.
Rio Napo Tamarin has been split off from the already restricted-range Black-naped Tamarin, though as is so often the way this is not universally accepted. |
Other delights come for naturally occurring treats,especially the finger-shaped fruit of Cecropia trees.
Black-mandibled (or Yellow-throated) Toucan Ramphastos ambiguus.Another magnificent bird, up to 60cm long, restricted to the eastern Andean slopes. |
You can see from the white verandah post that this is - or would be - much the same view as the one shown earlier in this post. |
At this time it can be appropriate to withdraw into the comforts of the large room which backs the deck; this is not a great hardship.
Dining room above (not in the cloud!) and bar below. |
There are also some lovely quilts (not tapestries - thanks Susan!) on the walls.
Andean Cock-of-the-Rock |
Inca Jays. |
And as at any rainforest lodge, the morning produces a wonderful array of insects drawn to the lights overnight (at least until the birds find them!). Here is an array of delightful moths and a katydid, none of which I'm even going to attempt to identify - they're worth admiring for their own sakes though.
And at that point my time has elapsed for today, so I'll have to finish this with a shorter posting, of the area beyond the lodge, next time. I'll come back next week and do that slightly earlier than I otherwise would have. I hope I've caught your attention sufficiently for you to have marked down Wildsumaco as "must visit" for your next Ecuador trip. It deserves it.
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(And remember that you can get a reminder when the next post appears by putting your
email address in the Follow by Email box in the top right of this screen.)
Ahem...sorry to go all textile nerd on you, but those are quilts on the walls, not tapestries. Completely different methods of fabrication.
Thanks Susan, definitely not my department! Actually it's so long since you corrected me that I was afraid we'd fallen out... :-)
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