OK, Charles Darwin actually said that about another carnivorous plant, the unrelated North American Venus Fly Trap Dionaea muscipula, but I'm sure he'd have held the same high opinion of pitcher plants! Certainly his contemporary, the equally brilliant biologist Alfred Russel Wallace, referred in The Malay Archipelago to the "wonderful Pitcher-plants". And wonderful they certainly are! In fact I hope I'm about to be able to tell you some new stories that will delight you. When I first came across the pitcher plant story - and at regular intervals since - "what?!" and "really?!" came to my lips with embarrassing frequency.
Raffles' Pitcher Plant Nepenthes rafflesiana, near Telupid, Sabah. |
There are some 150 species currently recognised in the genus Nepenthes (the sole genus in the family Nepenthaceae), a number which is rising all the time (eg one book on carnivorous plants cited 70 species in 1983, another expert on the genus knew of 135 in 2012*).
You will note that all my pitcher pictures here were taken in Malaysian Borneo, but that's not inappropriate as Borneo - along with neighbouring Sumatra and the Philippines - is the world hot spot for them. The seeds are wind-distributed however, and there are also species (albeit only one to three for each) in north Queensland, New Caledonia, India, Sri Lanka and across the Indian Ocean in Madagascar.
N. chaniana, Crocker Range, Sabah (named for Datuk Chan Chiew Lun, prominent Malaysian naturalist) was only described in 2006. |
Like other carnivorous plants - and there are at least ten groups of them, all unrelated and thus evolved independently to the lifestyle - they live in situations, often boggy, which are low in nutrients, especially nitrogen. For this, meat is a good, albeit unlikely-sounding, solution.
Pitcher plants are climbers, the key element being of course the pitcher, which forms from a tendril extending from the mid-vein of the leaf.
Fanged Pitcher Plant N. bicalcarata, Batang Ai Reservoir, Sarawak, in the first stages of forming a pitcher from the extended leaf vein. |
N. macrovulgaris, near Telupid, Sabah, showing the developed pitcher attached to the leaf vein. |
Fanged Pitcher Plant at Batang Ai (above) and Slender Pitcher Plant N. gracilis (below) with fully-developed pitchers; note coloured lids to keep rain out and attract victims. |
Common Swamp Pitcher Plant N. mirabilis, near Telupid. This is the most widespread of all pitcher plants, growing from China to northern Australia. |
Overall the pitcher is indeed a deadly trap for small animals. It contains a liquid produced by the plant with a detergent-like surfactant to reduce the surface tension and prevent insects from floating on the surface and potentially taking off again. The liquid also often contains sugars to attract the prey. It used to be said that there are no digestive enzymes in it (such as are employed by sundews for instance) and that the prey simply decomposes naturally by bacterial action, but this thinking has changed, and recent work has revealed up to 30 different digestive proteins in some pitchers. Moreover there are actually also bactericides and fungicides to reduce 'waste' in the digestive vat. Nutrients are absorbed by glands in the lower part of the pitcher.
In fact it's time to clarify the loose term 'the pitcher', as the plant usually produces two types of pitcher – stout lower pitchers are formed first and sit on the ground, often with flanges to direct ground insects to their doom, while slighter, often more colourful upper pitchers on vines, illustrated above, form as the plant grows, to attract flying insects.
Raffles' Pitcher Plant lower lobe, near Telupid, Sabah. |
Fanged Pitcher Plant lower lobe, Crocker Range, Sabah. (Compare with upper lobe in first picture above.) |
Raffles' Pitcher Plant upper lobe supported by tendril, Bako NP, Sarawak. Note the colour variations in the colours of pitchers, even within the same species. |
N. ampullaria inflorescence, Klias Peat Forest, Sabah. |
To my embarrassment I seem not to have recorded which species this belongs to; Crocker Range, Sabah. |
Misumenops nepenthicola. Photo by Nepenthes out There. |
Ants are common prey items – but not always. Nepenthes bicalcarata actually provides a living space in the enlarged leaf stem for a colony of Campanotus schmitzi to live; the ants scavenge food from the pitcher, and somehow manage to drag it out again, though the climb of 5cm may take 12 hours. (On consideration, spurred by an astute reader's comment, I do wonder if that was an observation of an accident on the ant's part? It doesn't make much energetic sense.)
Fanged Pitcher Plant, Batang Ai Reservoir, Sarawak, showing entry hole to ant accommodation in tendril. |
Finally, at least three species of pitcher plant endemic to Borneo are remarkable in that they seem to have moved on from a carnivorous lifestyle, to surviving on the dropping of birds and especially tree shrews, or tupaias, attracted to their specialised nectaries. The lid in these species is bent back, not covering the pitcher at all. Among the bristles covering it are nectaries producing a sugary secretion. While feeding on the sugar, the tupaias sit on the pitcher, into which they are encouraged to defecate. Measurements have shown that the dimensions of these pitchers are precisely those required to fit the squatting tupaia. How amazing is that?!
N. lowii, Crocker Range, Sabah; this pitcher is starting to dry out. |
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Mountain Tree-shrew Tupaia montana finding relief on Nepenthes lowii. Photo by Chien Lee. |
It has been known for some time that Hardwicke's Woolly Bat Kerivoula hardwickii roosts in the upper pitchers of the plant, apparently finding a more suitable bedroom in terms of stable microclimate than it does in pitchers of closely related species. But how does it find and recognise these desirable residences? The answer, it has now been revealed, is that the bats can hear them! There is a long concave surface to the back of the pitcher which reflects the bat's sonar from all angles, so the bat can home in and find somewhere to spend the night (ie the day, in their case). This is known as a strategy by a few South American rainforest flowers, but never for a purpose other than pollination and never in the Old World. But why? Same answer as for N. lowii; the bats inevitably defecate in the pitcher, as a result of which the plants need produce less chemicals to make the water a deadly trap, and produces less nectar and scent. It catches fewer insects of less variety than do other pitcher plants - it really only needs them as back-up.
I continue to be delighted by the amazingness of nature, but the unexpected becomes the norm after a while...
I'm sure there are still many more stories about the fabulous pitcher plants still waiting to be told, but I hope these are enough to go on with for today.
(* Gordon Cheers Carnivorous Plants and Stewart McPherson and Alastair Robinson's Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Borneo respectively.)
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(And remember that you can get a reminder when the next post appears by putting your email address in the Follow by Email box in the top right of this screen.)
A wonderful and informative post. My fave is the Fanged Pitcher. How could you not love a plant with such a name? Have you seen Stewart MacPherson's series 'Treasure Islands'? Well worth watching, just because the islands are so isolated and very few will get to see them in person.
Glad you liked it! They really are wonderful. As for Stewart's "Britain's Treasure Islands", not only did we watch and love it (on SBS) but we (ie my employer and I) engaged him to run last year's tour to Borneo, and this year's to Madagascar. He is an amazing source of energy and information, and excellent company.
Seeing Nepenthes mirabilis in the wild was a highlight of my trip to Cape York.
Nepenthes are usually referred to as "tropical pitcher plants" to distinguish them from the other, unrelated pitcher plants:
* Sarraceniaceae:
- Sarracenia ("trumpet pitchers")
- Darlingtonia ("cobra lily")
- Heliamphora ("sun pitchers", or more correctly "swamp pitchers")
* Cephalotus (Albany pitcher plant)
* Some bromeliads, maybe? (particularly Brocchinia reducta)
A most interesting addition about Nepenthes hemsleyana. Is it safe to assume that no other pitcherplant has this cavity? It would seem to have a pretty high benefit:cost ratio for the plant. Perhaps its just an example of the vast number of ways evolution can work.
Hi Paul. Yes, I'd love to see them up there; would also LOVE to see the Albany one. I didn't go into the others, largely because of my lack of photos... You need to go to Borneo one day, for these alone, but of course there's a great deal more for you!
Thanks Martin. I couldn't access the whole article, but the abstract and a popular science article about it certainly seemed to imply this is unique to the species, and that bats aren't interested in other species as far as we know at least.
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