This southern spring just ended (in Australia we use the Meteorological definition, which means spring runs from 1 September to 30 November) has truly been a splendid one. After three years of intense El Niño-driven drought, La Niña rolled into Australia, the rains finally came and the bush responded dramatically. Plants, especially herbs which had not even bothered to flower for the previous dry springs, made up for lost time by flowering prolifically, and the insects responded.
A few of thousands of Waxlip Orchids Caladenia (or Glossodia) major, Black Mountain, Canberra. |
Massed Thin-clubbed Spider (or Mantis) Orchids Caladenia atrovespa, Black Mountain.
I responded in my own way (though unlike the insects I didn't try to land on any orchids), by making an effort to get out and find as many orchids as I could. I'm passionate about native orchids, and have been starved in recent times! Here then are the orchids I found, 37 species of them, though my search ended in late November when I had my hip operation, so I missed most of the local mountain species. We've done just one trip into the mountains since then, in late December when I was confined to the roadside.
Except where I've specified all these orchids were seen in the ACT, in or close to Canberra. I've put the dates when I first saw the species to give an idea of how the season unrolled, but I'll introduce the orchids in genera (species groups) to make comparisons easier. Finally, orchid taxonomy has been notoriously tumultuous in the past decade or so, though the dust is now settling. The bold (and seemingly well-supported) move to break some huge Australian orchid genera into more manageable - and more importantly, more informative - smaller genera has been thoroughly rebuffed. With some regrets, I've here gone along with this orthodoxy, while indicating where some other names are used by current guides (most notably the recent and excellent Field Guide to Orchids of the Southern Tablelands of NSW including the ACT by Jean Egan et al).
Blue Fingers Caladenia caerulea, Black Mountain 27 September; reliably the first spring orchid to appear round here.
Dusky Fingers Caladenia fuscata, Black Mountain 27 September; follows soon after the Blue Fingers.
Another Dusky Fingers, to indicate the colour range it presents.
Pink Fingers Caladenia carnea, Gungahlin Hill, 28 September. One of the commonest and most widespread Australian orchids, found from north Queensland to Tasmania and the Eyre Peninsula. I'm always glad to encounter them.
Brown Caps (a somewhat puzzling name) Caladenia ustulata, Gungahlin Hill, 28 September. The first of three quite similar, strongly hooded, white caladenias to appear locally. (The dorsal sepal bends tightly over the flower, compared with the relatively erect sepal in the previous species.)
Waxlip Orchid Caladenia (but hitherto Glossodia) major, Black Mountain 27 September. A very handsome and familar orchid, which in a good year (as last spring was) can appear in vast numbers.
Lemon Caps (hmm) Caladenia cucullata, Black Mountain 5 October.
Musky Caps Caladenia moschata, Black Mountain 20 October. And it really does have a sweet musky scent if the day is warm.
Mountain Caps Caladenia alpina, Tinderry Nature Reserve, 40km south of Canberra. A pretty little Caladenia from higher altitudes.
Pink Caps Caladenia congesta, Black Mountain, 6 November. Perhaps my favourite of the 'caps', an uncommon orchid which I'd not seen for some years, and this was a new site for it for me.
Another quite distinctive groups of orchids, commonly known as spider orchids for their long slender flower parts, have been reincorporated into Caladenia, but they are so different from the caps that I'll group them separately for this introduction. The first one I found this spring was a very special one indeed.
Canberra Spider Orchid Caladenia actensis, Mount Majura, 2 October. This diminutive spider is restricted to this one part of the ACT, and is nationally listed as Critically Endangered. Fortunately (or perhaps not) it is very hard to see; I have searched for some time within a few metres of a colony before noticing them. The name suffix 'ensis' refers to a locality; in this case the locality is the ACT - very cute.
Thin-clubbed Spider (or Mantis) Orchid Caladenia atrovespa, Black Mountain, 8 October. This is the common spider orchid locally, and this spring it was abundant in places. The brown warty 'clubs' on the tips of the sepals exude pseudo-pheromones to attract male thinnine wasps who mistake the flower for a female wasp and in the struggle transfer pollen.
Brown-clubbed Spider Orchid Caladenia parva (the ACT plants were formerly included in C. phaeoclavia), Mount Tennent (just south of Canberra), 9 October.
I grew up referring to species of Diuris as 'donkey orchids', though that name seems to be out of favour these days; 'doubletail', the translation of Diuris, is preferred, along with a range of other mostly animal names.
Black Mountain Donkey (or Leopard) Orchid Diuris nigromontana, Black Mountain, 27 September, is restricted to the ACT and is mostly only found on Black Mountain sandstone. The name is another cute piece of Latin playfulness - it is based on 'black mountain'!
Leopard Orchid or Doubletail Diuris pardina, Gungahlin Hill, 28 September.
Golden Moths Diuris chryseopsis, Gungahlin Hill, 29 September. A grassland species which can form colonies of hundreds or even thousands.
Tiger (or Hornet) Orchid Diuris sulphurea, Black Mountain 8 October. This big bright donkey is very common throughout the south-east coast and hinterland. Maybe that's why I seemed not to try very hard to get a good photo of it this spring!
Large Golden Moth Diuris amabilis, near Bungendore (approximately 30km ENE of Canberra), 19 October. A grassland species which I'd not seen before (thanks Jeannie!).
Late Leopard Orchid Diuris semilunulata, Tinderry NR, 1 November. Canberra records of this species refer to D. nigromontana or D. pardina. This species is found in the ACT ranges however.
Another large orchid genus which was divided into smaller genera is the greenhoods, Pterostylis. Atpically, Jean Egan et al in their recent NSW Southern Tablelands guide (see above) have opted to retain the division of Pterostylis, and I do wonder if they have been advised of more forthcoming upheavals.
Black-tip Greenhood Pterostylis or Hymenochilus bicolor, Black Mountain, 27 September. The small flowers are only about 10mm long and are easily overlooked in their grassy understorey habitat.
Midget Greenhood Pterostylis or Hymenochilus muticus, Mount Tennent, 9 October. No more midget than its immediate relatives, but still tiny.
Needle-point Rustyhood Pterostylis or Oligochaetochilus aciculiformis, Black Mountain, 5 October. This one is part of a loose colony growing on the verge of a busy carpark; I doubt that many people are aware of them though. Other species are really quite rusty.
Southern Hooked Rustyhood Pterostylis or Oligochaetochilus hamatus, Mount Tennent, 9 October. A striking orchid if examined closely.
These last four greenhoods are found in relatively dry situations, often rocky in the case of the last two, but most of them are typical of moist areas, including the next three.
Nodding Greenhood Pterostylis nutans, Black Mountain, 10 October. This self-effacing little greenhood is found in colonies from north Queensland to Tasmania and South Australia. (It is also found in a couple of New Zealand localities, but it seems not to be native to there.)
Maroonhood Pterostylis pedunculata, Woods Reserve, 11 October. That afternoon we also saw thousands along one of the wet forest walking tracks in Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. It is very common in wetter parts of south-eastern Australia.
Montane Leafy Greenhood Bunochilus montanus, Tidbinbilla NR, 11 October.
The bearded orchids (Calochilus) are, as you might guess from my profile pic, flowers for whom I have both fondness and even affinity! The wonderfully hirsute labellum (which is a petal much modified to form a landing platform for pollinating insects) attracts male scollid wasps which attempt to mate with it. However if the wasps don't oblige, it seems that all Calochilus will self-pollinate rather than waste the flowering season. I only managed a couple of species this spring, as I missed the later season ones which flowered when I was indisposed.
Purple Beard Orchid Calochilus platychilus, Black Mountain, 8 October. This one also had a good season this spring; it flowers quite early in the season.
Red or Strap Beard Orchid Calochilus paludosus, upper Blue Mountains, 28 October.. Here it was common, but in the ACT it occurs at only one site.
The leek orchids were until recently all regarded as in the genus Prasophyllum, but in recent times many have been shifted to Paraprasophyllum - needless to say this is not universally accepted! Unusually among orchids they offer a good nectar reward to pollinators, and advertise it with strong sweet scents. Many will only flower in ground that has been burnt in the previous summer; this was true of both species we saw in the Blue Mountains in late October.
Short-lip Leek Orchid Paraprasophyllum brevilabre, Black Mountain, 10 October. This damp side of the mountain had not burnt in recent times, and there was only on flowering stem present.
Short-lip Leek Orchid, Blackheath, Blue Mountains; I include this duplicate photo because the stem colour was quite different from the Black Mountain one I'd found earlier (above). It's also a better photo!
Tall Leek Orchid Prasophyllum elatum, Blackheath. And at well over a metre high, it is tall indeed! We had no trouble spotting it from the car as we drove along a bush track. Remarkably this orchid grows in every Australian state (but not the ACT or Northern Territory).
Tarengo Leek Orchid Paraprasophyllum petilum, northern ACT, 12 October. This is a grassland species which is listed natonally as Endangered; it is known from only one site in the ACT and a couple in nearby NSW. It is not easy to find growing among tall grasses.
It is fair to say that onion orchids don't attract as much attention as most other, more colourful and obvious genera. The flowers are green, tiny - less than 5mm long, perched on a (relatively) large green ovary. There are numerous of these on a spike, and at least one species is known to be pollinated by ants, attracted by nectar. They are not easy to distinguish from each other either; there are only three species recognised locally (though work is ongoing) - here they are.
Common Onion Orchid Microtis unifolia, near Bungendore, 19 October.
Slender Onion Orchid M. parviflora, Black Mountain, 10 November.
Sweet, or Alpine, Onion Orchid M. oblonga, Namadgi National Park, above Canberra. I 'found' this on our recent mountain excursion, when I awkwardly leaned on a bank to take a (one-handed) photo of something else, and almost put my hand on it. I hadn't previously seen this one.
Sun Orchids Thelymitra are generally much more visible - but only if there's enough sun (or at least warmth) to encourage them to open!
Slender Sun Orchid Thelymitra pauciflora, Gungahlin Hill NR, Canberra, 22 October. This is one of the commonest sun orchids locally.
On our Blue Mountains visit it was wet, windy and cold most of the time, so while we saw hundreds of sun orchid spikes, the flowers stayed stubbornly closed, except for this single one on a rare almost-sunny afternoon.
Spotted Sun Orchid Thelymitra ixioides. Our cabin was surrounded by the spikes of buds, but not a one of them showed its face.
However our Blue Mountains trip did produce lots of one of our favourite orchids, the extraordinary Flying Duck,
Caleana major.  |
Flying Duck Orchid - and really, what else could you call it?! Walls Lookout Walk, 27 October. They grow in colonies, especially among sandstone rocks, but also in the forest on sandy soils.
There was such a colony growing along the entrance track to our cabin, and it was there, as we were leaving for home, that we saw something I'd not managed to photograph before. A male sawfly was struggling to escape the flower, in the course of which the duck's 'head' had snapped down to trap him temporarily while the bundle of pollen (the pollinium) stuck to his back. I missed photographing the struggle but managed to snap him as he rested on the flower to regather his energy before flying off.
Male sawfly Lophyrotoma sp. on triggered Flying Duck. The pollinium looks like a yellow saddle. The incredible feathery antennae are very sensitive to the scent of both his intended (a female sawfly) and the counterfeit one produced by the flower. (And my apologies if you've seen this photo recently on my blog page, but I couldn't leave it out of this post!)
Finally, on our most recent trip, to the mountains, we saw our first hyacinth orchid of the season - they are generally summer flowering. This was growing up the slope, so it's a telephoto shot, but fit for purpose. The hyacinths (Dipodium) are technically mycoheterotrophic (!), which is to say they gain nutrition by an association of their roots with underground fungi. Hence they are generally leafless and stems are often black - no need for cholorphyll as they don't photosynthesise.
Rosy Hyacinth Orchid Dipodium roseum, Namadgi NP. This is a striking orchid, with a metre high flowering stem.
And that was it for our 2020 orchid season. I'd like to have been able to find more, but it was still pretty satisfying. If the rest of summer and autumn plays out as I hope I'll be making another posting to supplement this one something in late autumn. Thanks for sharing these wondeful plants with me!
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Super dooper.
Lucky Saw Fly. I reckon at first he coudn't believe his luck in finding such a big female, specially when "she" grabbed him.
So interesting-you must be fit hitting all those hills!
Thanks, though I'm sorry I can't thank you by name. That was a year after getting a full hip replacment, so I was making the most of it!
can you tell me if it is detrimental to orchids to burn off in late November?
Hello, and I'm sorry I can't address you by name. No simple answer I'm afraid, it depends on the species and when it flowers. If it's already flowered in spring then it will probably do no harm as the underground tuber will survive a fire. If however it's put up leaves to flower later in summer or even autumn, then we'd expect it to be detrimental. Sorry I can't be of more help.
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